Au Pair Holland is here to assist you in finding flexible childcare. With over 35 years of experience, professionalism, and expertise, we guarantee the perfect match for your family. Thanks to our straightforward process, you can find your au pair quickly and easily.

Become a host family

Discover the benefits of having an au pair
Choosing to have an au pair provides both flexible and affordable childcare for your children. It is the ideal solution to bring more balance to your daily life and spend more quality time with your children.

Having an au pair offers numerous advantages. It is reassuring to know that your children are well cared for in their familiar home environment. Additionally, it allows you to have more time for yourself, whether it is an evening of sports or a well-deserved date night. An au pair provides flexibility that other forms of childcare cannot match. Your children will also benefit from learning another language and culture, broadening their horizons. An au pair will also assist with light household tasks, giving you more time for other important matters.

The au pair program is a fantastic way to have a reliable and involved caregiver who becomes part of your family. It is a cultural exchange that has a lifelong impact on both your family and your au pair.

Find your au pair in 4 easy steps

Whether you are welcoming your first au pair or have prior experience, we are here to assist you every step of the way. From beginning to end, our dedicated team supports you throughout the entire au pair program.

Sign up
Easily sign up via our online form. Provide a letter, photos, and references. We will guide you through all the necessary documentation.
Schedule an intake with a team member from Au Pair Holland to discuss your family's needs and preferences.
Review the au pair candidates matched with your family and schedule interviews. We provide you with an interview guide to ensure the process goes smoothly.
Invite your chosen au pair to your family home! We assist the au pair with the visa, flight ticket, and travel insurance.

When matched, the next steps will follow:

Receive ongoing support and guidance throughout the entire au pair program from our expert and dedicated team.
Finding your next au pair is much easier! We know your family, your preferences, and you already have a profile.

What does an au pair do?

Assists with childcare and light household chores, including:
  • Morning routine: waking up the children and getting them ready for the day.
  • Tidying rooms: teaching children to tidy their rooms and make their beds.
  • Meal preparation: preparing breakfast and lunch for the children.
  • Kitchen duties: cleaning up after breakfast/lunch and loading/unloading the dishwasher.
  • School preparation: ensuring children have their books and gym gear packed.
  • Transportation: taking children to school, hobbies, or playdates, whether walking, cycling or by car.
  • After-school activities: entertaining children with visitis to the zoo, playgrounds, or park.
  • Homework assistance: helping with homework and tests, both explanations and planning.
  • After-school snacks: providing a small/healthy snack after school or preparing for dinner.
  • Child entertainment: entertaining the kids at all times, they will never be bored with an au pair.
  • Bedtime routine: assisting with bathing, reading stories, and getting children ready for bed.
  • General preparation: all au pairs have completed online First Aid & Au Pair training before starting with your family in the Netherlands.

Why choose an au pair?

An au pair offers many benefits, such as:
  • Flexible care: unlike traditional childcare options with fixed hours, an au pair provides care outside regular office hours. You have the flexibility to schedule their assistance as needed, tailored to your work schedule or any unforeseen circumstances.
  • Personalised care: an au pair provides personal and family-oriented care for your children in the familiar and reassuring environment of your home. With a personalised approach, an au pair focuses on the specific needs of each child.
  • Last-minute changes: if your child is ill or there are unexpected changes in your daily routine, a live-in au pair can quickly adapt and step in easily.
  • All ages: if you have both school-aged children and little ones at home, your au pair can care for both without extra costs. They assist with school routines, homework, and transportation, meeting all your children's needs throughout the day.
  • Household tasks: in addition to childcare, au pairs can help with light household tasks related to the children. This support lightens the load of household responsibilities, giving you more time and flexibility.
  • Trained au pairs: all au pairs have successfully completed an online First Aid & Au Pair training before joining your family in the Netherlands.
  • Cultural exchange: an au pair brings different perspectives, fostering global awareness and enriching your child's education beyond traditional childcare.

Au pair placements

Throughout the Netherlands

We place au pairs throughout the Netherlands! From Zeeland to Groningen and Amsterdam to Maastricht. If you live in the Netherlands and are considering hosting an au pair, it is essential to understand the au pair program, which focuses on cultural exchange. Au pairs genuinely become part of your family and come to the Netherlands to learn more about a different culture and language. It is important to emphasize that an au pair should never be used as a cleaner. Therefore, we thoroughly screen our host families, just as our international partners do with our au pairs. Want to learn more?

Host family requirements

We are incredibly enthusiastic about our au pair program! This cultural exchange offers a unique experience with many benefits for both host families and au pairs. Host families benefit from flexible, personalised, and affordable childcare, while the au pair becomes part of your family and learns more about Dutch culture and language and culture.

Our global partners carefully screen all our au pairs, and we do the same for our host families. We ensure thorough screening of all parties before making a match. To maintain a high-quality au pair program, it is essential for our host families to understand the guidelines of the au pair program and treat the au pair as a family member, not as a cleaner or housekeeper. The requirements to become a host family include:

  • Family member: your au pair becomes a full member of your family, participating in family life and activities to fully experience the cultural exchange.
  • Au pair schedule: au pairs work up to 30 hours per week, with a maximum of 8 hours per day. They are entitled to two free days per week (usually on weekends).
  • Open your home: your au pair receives free board, a fully furnished private room and three meals a day, seven days a week.
  • Pocket money: au pairs receive monthly pocket money as compensation for their childcare duties.
  • Childcare: au pairs assist with various tasks but do not provide full care for babies, overnight care, or heavy cleaning.
  • Training: host families take time to train their au pair in tasks and family routines.
  • Host family diversity: families come in all shapes and sizes, including two-parent families, single-parent families, and families where not all members hold Dutch nationality. All forms of families are welcome.
  • Location: we place au pairs throughout the Netherlands.
  • Children: There must be at least one child under 13 years old in your family.
  • Welcome your au pair: pick up your au pair from the airport (or trainstation) and provide a warm welcome within your family.
  • Complete profile: to become a host family, you must provide all necessary information, including family references, an introduction letter, and family photos. We ensure this information is protected according to privacy laws.

Open your heart and home. Meet new people and create unforgettable experiences. Look beyond first impressions; make decisions from the heart. Explore the advantages of having an au pair and begin your search for the perfect match today. Contact us with any questions or start your journey now.

Read our host family experiences:

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Learn more about our au pair program, our process, team and the benefits of a cultural exchange.

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Get in touch

Our experienced team is here to help, contact us anytime. We are here to suport you with any questions.