
The little brother and sister I never had!

Au Pair in Alkmaar
13 March 2024

The little brother and sister I never had!


I am Aurora, 24 years old, and I originally come from Durban, South Africa. From a young age, I wanted to become an au pair and discover new cultures. Working with children has always appealed to me, and I also thought it would be exciting to go abroad to experience new countries and cultures. The Netherlands attracted me because of its open Dutch culture, my Dutch heritage through my grandmother, and the fact that English is reasonably well spoken.


After sorting out all the paperwork, my profile with Au Pair Holland was ready. It took a while to find the right match, but the wait was worth it. In mid-July, I got in touch with my host family, and within three weeks of the match, I landed in Amsterdam before moving to Alkmaar in North Holland. The family welcomed me at the airport, and from that first moment, an amazing adventure began.

Building a bond

At first, I found it a bit challenging to build a bond with the children. I was the family's first au pair, so they weren’t really used to having a 'stranger' in the house. Fortunately, I can say in hindsight that it all worked out really well! After about two months, I truly felt like a member of the family, and the children also enjoyed spending time with me. Besides family life, I also enjoyed meeting other au pairs. Through social media, I had made some contacts, and eventually, through the Au Pair Holland event, I met two au pairs who lived nearby. I spent a lot of time with them.

Sop or sopje?

My time in the Netherlands, from August to June, was absolutely the best time of my life. Being an au pair has given me so much: I have grown as a person, discovered new places, and gained a better understanding of Dutch culture. I really appreciated being able to speak English, and learning Dutch went quite well because Afrikaans already provides a kind of foundation. Even though there are many differences in the Dutch language, I managed to learn it well over the past year. The funniest moment was when my host mother asked me to make a 'sopje', and I thought she meant soup. But no, I just needed to wipe the table. Through this unique experience, I feel even more connected to my grandmother and my Dutch heritage.

Most memorable moments

I have experienced so many wonderful moments that it’s hard to choose just one. The special moments I will never forget include: celebrating Christmas with another family, as well as meeting my Dutch family from my grandmother's side. It was a dream come true. I met so many lovely, kind people, which truly touches me. My host parents were incredibly generous, as I was able to take skiing lessons. I had never skied or seen snow before. I found it absolutely fantastic – and cold! I will also never forget the long weekend trip to Brussels.

New winter coat

My host parents welcomed me with open arms, and the children felt like the little brother and sister I never had. Because I felt so comfortable with my host family, I didn’t really miss home. The only thing I occasionally missed was the sun, as the weather in the Netherlands took some getting used to. It can be so cold! I had to buy a new winter coat for it. I can’t thank my host family enough and am certain I will stay in touch with them and return one day.

Become an au pair in the Netherlands

Everyone who knows me knows that I can’t stop talking about my cultural exchange in the Netherlands. I would highly recommend it to anyone; it is truly an amazing experience.

Want to find an au pair?

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