Au pair holland’ Blog

Affordable childcare

Door Au Pair Holland
4 May 2024

Affordable childcare

    Affordable childcare

    Finding affordable and reliable childcare is a major concern for many families. Especially for families with children in different age groups or varying school schedules, it can be a challenge to find good and flexible childcare. Fortunately, our au pair program provides the perfect cost-effective solution. The reason our au pair program is so popular is largely due to its significant advantages over traditional childcare options.

    Why is our au pair program cost-effective?

    The cost-effectiveness of the au pair program comes from the fact that the au pair's monthly stipend remains the same regardless of the number of children needing care, unlike childcare where you pay per child.

    Additionally, the costs of daycare centers are continually rising, sometimes reaching up to €100 per child per day. When you compare this to the Pocket Money guidelines of our au pairs, it’s clear why many families prefer flexible in-home care. On our costs page, you’ll find all the expenses related to the au pair program, including the one-time placement and essential costs as well as the monthly additional expenses. We provide detailed information on what other costs you should be aware of to give you a transparent view of all au pair costs. We have calculated that for 30 hours of childcare per week, you will pay €847 per month! Not bad, right?

    Au pair vs. daycare

    While some families are fortunate enough to find affordable childcare nearby, it is becoming increasingly common for daycare centers to be full or have long waiting lists, forcing you to look for childcare further afield. Additionally, daycare can charge up to €100 per day per child. If you have multiple children needing daytime care, an au pair can be an ideal solution. An au pair also offers more flexible hours than daycare, eliminating the need to drop off and pick up your children at specific times. This flexibility accommodates the natural rhythm of the day.

    Au pair vs. after-school care

    If you have school-aged children who need a few hours of after-school care due to your work or other commitments, these costs can also add up to €11 per hour, making several afternoons with multiple children a significant expense.

    Au pair vs. a babysitter

    Often, young people are hired for babysitting evening and are paid based on their age. A nanny or babysitter refers to someone with qualifications in childcare and several years of experience. For each planned evening out, you need to arrange a nanny or babysitter and make specific arrangements for each activity. The cost for a babysitter can rise to €15 per hour. With an au pair, you can make these arrangements much more easily, as you can schedule up to 30 hours per week within the au pair’s schedule. This provides the flexibility to ask your au pair to babysit when you have a party or want to plan a date night. This flexibility and quick scheduling ease a lot of the burden and are still more cost-effective than arranging occasional babysitting help.

    If you want to learn more about the benefits of our au pair program, do not hesitate to contact us. We are a recognised au pair organisation and work according to the laws and regulations established for this cultural exchange, with reliable partners worldwide. We are excited to introduce your family to this cultural experience, where you benefit from affordable childcare. Start your search today.

Do you want affordable childcare? Find an au pair!

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