Terms and Conditions
Welcome to Au Pair Holland, a part of Travel Active Holland B.V, operating under the name Au Pair Holland. Before using our website or services, please take the time to read and understand the following terms and conditions. By visiting our website and using our services, you agree to these terms, as well as any other terms that specifically apply to the services and information provided by Au Pair Holland.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use our website or services.

Compliance with recognised guidelines
Our services are provided in accordance with the guidelines set by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) and the International Au Pair Association (IAPA). Au Pair Holland adheres to all guidelines regarding this cultural exchange and informs you of all conditions.

By registering as a host family with Au Pair Holland, you acknowledge and accept these terms.

Our service
Au Pair Holland carefully reviews each host family application and reserves the right to reject applications for various reasons, including but not limited to locations outside our support area, ages of children, or special circumstances, or roles involving responsibilities outside the programme.

If Au Pair Holland decides to further consider a family application, a detailed phone consultation will take place to initiate the search process. The search process is activated upon:

  • Payment of a non-refundable activation fee.
  • Verification of family references.
  • Receipt of a police check for each adult (18+) living in your home.

Au Pair Holland agrees to search for and present au pair candidates to host families, with placements potentially lasting up to 12 months. We offer support and assistance throughout the entire au pair placement.

Host families confirm that all information provided to Au Pair Holland is honest, accurate, and complete, and consent to the processing of this information in accordance with Au Pair Holland’s Safety and Privacy Statement.

We will provide selected au pair candidate details to the host family and share family information with the selected candidates. Au pair profiles may only be viewed online; downloading or copying is strictly prohibited in accordance with European data protection as defined by GDPR.

If suitable candidates are not available at the time of activation, details of suitable candidates will be provided as soon as possible. Host families may communicate with one or all proposed candidates.

It is the responsibility of the host family to assess the suitability of the candidate for their family. Au Pair Holland makes every effort to personally select au pair candidates, but this does not guarantee an immediate match, as this is subjective.

The au pair program
The au pair selected by the host family can assist with daily childcare tasks. An au pair may be engaged in tasks related to the children for up to 30 hours per week and no more than 8 hours per day. Au pairs should not be asked to solely care for babies or provide overnight care, as they are not qualified caregivers. Au pairs participate in the family for a cultural exchange experience with limited responsibility. They may be assigned light household tasks but not as a cleaner or housekeeper.

The host family agrees to provide the au pair with:

  • Sufficient time and assistance to arrange certain matters during the first week.
  • Time and assistance for the au pair to participate in events organised by Au Pair Holland.
  • Guidance, support, and training, especially in the first few weeks (a family handbook will be provided).
  • The opportunity to be treated as a family member and participate in daily family life as a 'big sister' (or brother), which may include joining family vacations.
  • Free room and board in a private, fully furnished room in a clean, safe, and comfortable home.
  • Monthly pocket money in accordance with IND and Au Pair Holland rules.
  • Two free days per week, including at least one weekend per month, so the au pair can fully experience the cultural exchange.
  • Transport to/from the agreed meeting place, such as airport, train station, or bus stop, to the host family’s home.
  • The host family also agrees to read and comply with Au Pair Holland’s programme guidelines and understands "What an au pair" is and the tasks this role entails.

Transport and insurance
It is the responsibility of the host family to assess the au pair’s driving ability before authorising them to drive a host family vehicle. The host family must also include the au pair as a driver on the vehicle insurance.

In the event of an insurance claim, if the au pair had to drive the vehicle as part of their duties, the host family is responsible for paying any excess related to the claim. If the vehicle was used for private purposes, the au pair is responsible for the excess related to the claim. Vehicle use and insurance excess should be specified in the au pair invitation.

Confirmation of your placement

Legal relationship of the au pair to the program
The host family understands and agrees that the au pair is not an employee but part of a cultural exchange program. Au Pair Holland adheres to the rules set by the IND and IAPA.

Contracts drawn up by Au Pair Holland are binding and in accordance with the recognised rules of the au pair program. It is important to emphasise that the au pair’s motivation should be to experience family life in the Netherlands, and the host family fully supports this.

It is strongly recommended that all host families contact their property and contents insurance to inform them that an au pair is staying in their home.

Each au pair is required to arrange certain matters upon arrival in the Netherlands. You can choose to take a service package from Au Pair Holland to arrange this or support as a host family. If no service package is taken, the responsibility lies with the host family to ensure all required matters are properly arranged.

When entering into a partnership with Au Pair Holland, you are obliged to pay the registration fee and subsequent costs, including placement fees, essential costs, and monthly additional costs. For details on these costs, please refer to the cost page. If anything is unclear, please contact Au Pair Holland in a timely manner. If invoices are not paid, the host family is responsible for any costs incurred in the collection of overdue invoices.

Problems and re-matching
The host family is required to notify Au Pair Holland in writing of any changes in their circumstances that may affect the au pair experience, such as new pets, smoking, family members moving in or out, changes in marital status, contact details, or employment. Au Pair Holland reserves the right to cancel or terminate an au pair placement.

While we make reasonable efforts to resolve issues, we aim to arrange a replacement if Au Pair Holland determines that the placement cannot continue.

Our long-term fee includes a free replacement guarantee of 30 days. The host family must give 2 weeks’ notice if they decide to end the placement during this period. During this replacement period, the host family is required to provide the au pair with free room and board.

Pocket money cannot be reduced without written approval from Au Pair Holland; these rules are set by the IND and must be adhered to. Requesting your au pair to leave without required notice will result in the forfeiture of the replacement. Costs incurred by the au pair or by the agency on behalf of the au pair will be charged to the host family. This includes, but is not limited to, accommodation and transport costs.

If a candidate must leave during the specified period, either for personal reasons or due to unsuitability, the host family must immediately notify Au Pair Holland in writing, stating the reason for unsuitability. Insufficient English proficiency is not considered reasonable grounds for a free replacement and should be assessed during the interview.

Please note that Au Pair Holland cannot guarantee immediate availability of a replacement due to seasonal shortages, and a delayed start date may occur. Replacements are offered on equivalent terms and are subject to prompt payment of the full fee and full adherence to these terms.

If Au Pair Holland determines that the termination of the placement is due to non-compliance with these terms by the host family, the Programme Guidelines, or a material deviation from the role agreed with Au Pair Holland, the replacement guarantee will be forfeited and no refunds will be issued.

After the expiry of the guarantee period, the engagement is deemed satisfactory. If the candidate leaves after the guarantee period, further placement fees will apply.

In the unlikely event that the au pair decides to cancel after initial acceptance, Au Pair Holland will find a replacement according to the replacement guarantee. If the host family decides to cancel after the au pair has accepted, the placement fee will still apply, covering replacement costs.

Registration fees, credits, and replacements are valid for 3 months unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Claims against Au Pair Holland and the au pair program
The host family unconditionally indemnifies Au Pair Holland from any claims for damage, injury, loss, or costs of any kind incurred in connection with receiving an au pair. This includes, but is not limited to, liability for any intentional or negligent acts or omissions by the au pair, individuals acting on behalf of Au Pair Holland, or members of the Au Pair Holland team.

The host family understands that the au pair is not an employee or representative of Au Pair Holland, and it is the host family’s responsibility to seek independent advice on matters such as insurance, health insurance, etc.

By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge that this is a legally binding contract, and you are advised to seek legal advice if you do not understand the terms. You also acknowledge that you have read and understood the provisions of this contract and agree to abide by these terms.

Fees and terms are subject to change without prior notice.

Travel Active Holland B.V.
Company No: 73729302
Trading under the name Au Pair Holland

Proud member of:
IND - Immigration and Naturalisation Service
IAPA – International Au Pair Association

Updated November 2023